Featured Products
1962, Swedish Still Life, ERIK BYSTRÖM
Early 20thC, Paris School Painting of a Reclining Nude
1948, Swedish Painting, 'Girl with a Puppy,' BERTIL BERNTSSON
Large, 1929, Painting, 'Champagne and Lobster,' HELGE NYSELL (1900 - 1963)
Mid Century Swedish lithograph 'Football Match' Erland Melanton
1964, Swedish, Abstract, Oil Painting, Olof Persson
1940's French Ballerina Oil Painting
Mid 20thC, French Still Life, 'Bread and Cherries.'
Early 20th Century oil Painting, Studio Nude
1970, Swedish Lithograph, BO SWENSSON
1950's, Swedish Oil Painting, 'Flower Market'
Mid Century, Swedish Painting 'Footballers.' OLLE AGNELL (1923 -2015)